Why Bad Spider Bites.com?
I run this site in my spare time. It is an educational site dedicated to helping people identify spiders and their bites and share experiences with one another.
My helper makes sure that I know about any spider in the house and that it’s promptly removed from the premises! If a spider is lurking, she’ll spot it :)
I am not a spider expert and do my best to chime in when possible, but I rely on visitors to help answer questions. This site is not intended to provide medical advice of any type.
Feel free to read our disclaimer. If you post a question, a response may or may not appear; if you are unsure if you should seek medical attention, do not rely on a response from our site to help you make that decision; I always err on the side of caution and suggest contacting your doctor for help.
You will find a ton of pictures and their descriptions, such as pictures of bites, damage to the body, spiders, their webs, and spider like insects. Although the site focuses on spiders, any insect can be discussed, such as the deer tick or bed bug that may leave a bite much like a spider.
I live in an area with enough spiders to scare most visitors. In fact, going into my garage, you will see spiders hanging all over the place just outside the door. It is almost guaranteed that a spider will drop in front of you as you open the door (as you disturb its web).
My helper has drawn a picture so that you can see exactly what lurks above that door.
Fortunately, as with most, these spiders are not harmful; however, some can do an incredible amount of damage, and that is where Bad Spider Bites comes into play.
I invite you to comment on anything you find. If you have been bitten, simply leave a comment about your bite, then send me a picture if you have one.
Feel free to leave a comment or upload your picture with a description, and we’ll do our best to get it posted on the website. I will make sure the pictures are included in your post.
If you recognize a bite or can help others, please do so! Many of those bitten are very concerned and would love to hear about your experience or suggestions.
I may not be able to identify the type of spider that bit you, but I will do my best to post your comments and pictures so that experts and people with similar experiences can chime in and help.
Welcome to BadSpiderBites.com, and I hope you enjoy the site!