Help Identify a Spider

Two fanged spider shown up-close.Need help identifying a spider? If so, then take a look at our collection of spider pictures to see if it looks like yours.

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  1. Taryn S. says:

    These are found all over my house. Something bit me but I don’t know what bit me.

    Looks like a Hobo Spider from what I’ve seen online.

    Any clue what it is?

  2. Kelsey S. says:

    Hi my name is Kelsey, I was wondering if you could help me identify a spider. I was cleaning out my basement and was grabbing for a box and this guy startled me half to death because of his size! I was wondering if you could identify it so that I know whether to be concerned if there may be more down there. I’ve tried searching on the internet, but I can’t find anything.

  3. John L. says:

    I live in north central Wyoming and found this spider outside my house. It was probably 3 inches long overall, brown or black with yellow markings. Not anything I have seen before, and nobody I have shown it to so far has either. Any help would be appreciated.

  4. Mike says:

    This spider came out into the bedroom at a house that we were renting in Taos, New Mexico. Large spider but couldn’t find a matching pictures?



  5. N. Kruse says:

    I came across your posts on I was hoping you could help me identify some spiders I have come across in my house. They all look similar. The pics are of two separate spiders though. I live in northern Indiana. Thank you.

  6. Kate says:


    I live in Northern Indiana and I have a spider that has been with us for a month now. It normally comes out at night, and hides during the day and rebuilds it’s web at night. It’s web ranges anywhere from 2ft x 2ft to 4ft x 8ft. Today I have noticed that she/he did not go into hiding and is still on the web. I have attached a night time pic of it when we first noticed it, and a pic I took today while it’s out during the day. If you could please help me to figure out what kind this is, I would appreciate it.


  7. Shauna says:

    I found this spider on my porch about 6:45 this morning( Brea, Ca). It freaked my husband and kids out. The picture is bad but the spider is about 3″ around with a 1 to 1 1/2″ abdomen and head. It has a tan body with dark brown stripes on the legs. The end section of the legs is a dark brown or black, there are dark brown spikes on the legs as well. The underside of the body is a reflective color a cross between white and silver. The head is an odd shape, it almost looks like a crab. Also, it seems to have an extra set of arms near the face, or maybe fangs? I showed the picture to my students and now we are set on identifying it as part of our science class. Thank you for your time!

  8. Linda says:

    I found this one on a plant in the garden size of body 1″. Like to know what type it is since it was so close to house. I live in NYS.

  9. Justin searcy says:

    I have Awoken from my bed, witch has happened two times in two weeks with a bite mark.i thought it might be a blood boil, but the bite has a wormie line coming the bite.

    Not sure what it is.


  10. Sarah says:

    My friend appears to have been bitten by an insect or spider, but we are having trouble identifying what it was that bit him. His symptoms are intense burning and itching, a rash all over his body along with pain. If you can help us figure out what it was it would help us a lot!

  11. katie says:

    me and my mom sat down and i saw a brown no hair spider we looked very close to it. my mom said don’t go to close it might jump at you i screamed the next day we woke up it was gone but there was eggs on my lamp shade but my brother caught the adult one if you know what it is reply thank you.


  12. dezerae says:

    I had find a small and brown spider in my bedroom. If anyone knows what it would be please answer me on here.

  13. Alexander Barnett says:

    Hello, I live in southeast Ohio and I woke up at about 7am for school (its my senior year) and I saw this very light brown spider almost clearish in color, I did not have much time to react and I grabbed the closest thing to me and smacked it away and I can not find it. I’m not scared of spiders but I’m curious as to if it is venomous to humans or not.

  14. Devin says:

    Hey I am in Northern Kenya and the locals here are scared of a spider they say is small black, with grey hair more poisonous than a black widow and powerful enough to kill a camel. I have searched constantly online for this spider but I can not find it. Can anyone help with this?

  15. Danielle says:

    I had a weird spider fall on me while i was sleeping my cat alerted me to something. it was a dark red spider with a white ish sac like thing for its rear when i killed it the sac oozed slime out. what kind of spider was it???? please help if u know?

  16. jasmine says:

    I found a greenish yellowish brown spider in my boyfriends apartment tonight and I have a 10 month old baby and I would like to now if someone could help me identify it so I can try to keep them away please and thank you!

  17. Kitrina says:

    I have what sounds like the same spider Leah Winkler posted about on the 29th. Black, round, fuzzy body, no apparent abdomen separation and flat legs that are over 3″ long . reminding me of a child’s drawing as well.

  18. Rosie says:

    Spider we found is an orangish brown with red-black zig zag patterns on it’s abdomen. It was about the size of an eraser on a pencil. It was found indoors in Wisconsin. I have searched everywhere but I cannot find a match. Please help! Have picture if that’ll help. Let me know. Thanks.

  19. leah winkler says:

    I have a spider that is black with long legs and its body is simply a round oval and doesn’t seem to have an abdomen. Its overall look kind of looks like a child’s drawing. I can’t seem to find the name of the spider anywhere or even a picture of what it looks like to post.

  20. Bobby Williams says:

    We have a spider here in central Florida that I can’t identify.
    It’ small florescent green with florescent orange spots under it’s abdomen.

    What is this spider called?

  21. joanie says:

    I got bitten Dec 11, 11 Sunday evening and did not feel it,so when I took a bath, I noticed that on my left arm it is big area like 2inches by 3inches red, swelled and has a hard cord in the middle of the bite on my arm,it just don’t look good . So I went to the Doctor , he said I did not Needed a antibiotic but now I have blister on my finger and I going to call him back and see what else can be done. I do not know what kind of spider bite me? It still is big, red like purple color too on my skin.Wish me luck.

  22. CharLee says:

    I know what kind of spiders I have…I have Jumping Spiders.
    My question is “Do They Bite?”
    I hope someone can answer this question for me.

  23. Gonzo says:

    a all dark brown or black spider with 3 white type of dots on its back and 2 white dot types on both undersides of it

  24. kevin West says:

    We live in North SF bay area California in the redwoods, coastal next to a stream.( not bragging just information on the spiders habitat). I will send a picture of the spider.

    What is it is it native. I put it up on another site and they came up with a number of possibilities but non really fit. Find them all the time. Do not think they make webs. I believe this is a female, am I correct. Color is about right a bit orange and red. I enhanced the picture so you can see the detail and it changes the color a bit. Also I did not use a flash.

    She (I believe) is non aggressive, poses for pictures! Think, they are rather cute! Does not try to get away so I can get it out side. It is about 1/2 to 3/4 in size (leg to leg not the body size.

    I do not kill bugs including spiders, (hornets, flies and yellow jackets, the exceptions) . Saw a black widow once but she hid in a hole in the wall. I have escorted jumping spiders all the way outside the front door! Have kids so need to keep them safe. The experts say that there are no brown recluse colonies in California. They hitch hike in luggage when people move from back east. One expert said that most so called brown recluse bites in CA are not confirmed since they do not have the spider. So I am not worried about them. Besides a redwood forest has little light no ground plants very few insects and it very wet cold and dark in the winters. Not much can make it thru the winter.

    Just curious. They are almost family!

  25. Ashley Leann says:

    i found a spider bite on the crease of my leg and it was swollen to about the size of a quarter and it a had pimple like tip so i poked it with a needle. Well, i did and it drained a brown bloody like liquid and i asked my friend to look and she said it was a spider bite. but i cleaned it out and the next day i had a hole in my leg about the size of the end of a cigarette…not sure if its poisonous.. Anyone care to help tell me what it is?

    P.S. I live in Kentucky.

  26. Jessie says:

    My roommate and I found this little guy (or girl) in the bathroom. We are in western PA.
    We were hopping someone could try to identify (or lead us in the right direction) of what kind of spider he/she is. Sorry in advance for the poor quality pictures.

  27. Eric says:

    my mom said she was walking outside in a school campus working at night between 6:00-10:00 and on a light fixture, she said it had a big body as if u were to put your index finger to your thumb making a ring,then its main body color was orange with black spots i found it weird because i live in Ontario,CA and here you don’t usually see spiders that big can you help identify it?

  28. Sid says:

    Hello. I live in western Kentucky, so I’m used to seeing spiders, but I saw one today that I’d never seen before and it’s got me worried, since we have brown recluses here. It was maybe the size of a nickle, legs included, and had a very dark brown or black head and legs, with an ivory, unmarked abdomen.

    It had a very light build, definitely a web-weaver, and was completely hairless. Not sure if it helps or not, but it was in my sink when I found it, so maybe it prefers damp areas? I’ve looked on every site I could find of Kentucky spiders, but so far I’ve not found any that look remotely like it. I don’t *think* it’s a recluse, but I’m not sure, because it seems like some are lighter or darker in color than others. I have cats, and I’m terrified a recluse is going to get ahold of them. I’d greatly appreciate any help in identifying it.

  29. Susan Ramsburg says:

    I do not have a photo, but two of these spiders have shown up in two days. They are all black, are hairy except for back, which has like 3 white dots and a white dash. T he most distinguishing feature were these “two eyes” they are a beautiful florescent green. i live in southern fl. I will try to get a photo. thank you

  30. Barbara Weltz says:

    I’ve only seen this spider 2 times in a year…if it’s a spider..our encounters are very brief..he is round..about the size of a half dollar with about 6-8 legs and he hops.

    I live in a basement apartment and the cat has his food on a table located in a storage room attached to the apartment where I saw this creature the 2 times. Not sure whether it is dangerous or not…As I said..only saw him 2 times and that was in the room near the cats food dish. I live in Fairfield County Ct. What do I do..I have sprayed the surrounding areas..

  31. Donna says:

    I live in central Michigan and have found two of these spiders within the past month in my home one came running out of my bedroom and the other was in my bathroom just sitting outside my cats litter box. They have red legs, a black head and a tannish-light brown abdomen with a darker stripe going halfway down and including the legs about the size of a quarter. I would like to know if it may be poisonous.

  32. Amanda says:

    Hi, I don’t have a picture I live in northern FL southern GA. I found a spider with a small black body, a black little butt thing whatever that thing is with reddish looking circles down the middle its legs are black by the body then they r light brown and then black again at the tips, it has the red hourglass on the belly like a black widow but every pic I looked at of the black widow none of them looked like this one. I have seen black widows in my yard they are black with nothing on the back and on the belly they have the red hourglass. The pics of the males and babies didn’t even look the same as the one I found in my home.

  33. Crystal says:

    Hi, I am in Los Angeles California and I saw a really interesting spider that I had never seen before while on my way to class. I would have taken a picture, but I forgot my camera this morning. It was medium size maybe like a nickel and was very hairy (the kind of fuzzy that reminded me of a tarantula). It was grey with a pretty big bright orange Abdomen (which also seemed to have brownish edges upon close examination).

    It had very distinctive big fuzzy mouth that was either the Palps or the chelicera. The back and medium legs I believe were shorter than the front which were pretty broad. Normally I am terrified of spiders, but the reason why I was so interested and stopped was because as I stopped and looked at it, it suddenly lifted it’s head to look at me! And I was like, what!?!

    The head moved! I ushered it out of the street and watched it squeeze under a light, instead of crawling up something so I assume it doesn’t make make big webs in the air like other spiders but instead is a burrower or trap spider. As it was fitting into the crevice it’s body was vertical, but it bent it’s head forward (which kind of has a dome shape on top) into the crevice first then moved in. It was actually kind of cute, but I am sincerely hoping that whatever I got out of the street wasn’t a harmful spider and now I have freed it onto the world.

    I know I wrote a lot and it might still be pretty vague without a picture, but I hope you can tell me what it was?

  34. Kayla Leigh says:

    I was sitting in the living room with my fiance’ and i saw this little thing crawl under my blanket. It really freaked me out…. It was a little spider and I’ve never seen one like it before. It kind of looked like an ant so I was confused for a second… but it’s legs were short and black, and so was it’s little head, but it had a huge gray butt… Too bad it got smushed or else I’d give ya’ll a picture… I live in northern Indiana and if anyone knows what the nasty little critter is please let me know =]

  35. nancy says:

    There is a brown spider in a huge web outside one of my windows. It looks similar to the one posted by “Jami on 9/11/2011 at 1:34pm” except the abdomen is a little darker brown, has short, fine, hair on it and has two eyes (small black dots) also on the abdomen. I live in Southern California, could it still be a brown recluse? If not, what?

  36. Donk says:

    Found a black hairy spider that was a bit bigger than a Australian 50cent piece when legs are tight to it’s body, the underside of it’s abdomen has 2 orange dots about 3 mm apart from each other and underside of joints on legs are blue.

  37. Tim R. says:

    I have been finding these in my basement for the last 3 months or so. I’m up to about 10 so far. One made it to my second floor. Can you help me identify this and let me know if I need to hire somebody to come take care of them?


  38. Sarah says:

    Please let me know what kind of spider this is found it outside my window its the size of a 50 cent piece, its rear sack the size of a dime.

    I live in southwest Michigan

  39. Michelle B. says:


    Just found your site today and hope you can help!!

    I just found this spider, hiding in the leaves of a ficus tree in my yard. I live in Santa Monica, CA. I thought it interesting it wouldn’t move no matter how hard I tried to shake it out of the tree. A good hider, I guess!

    I have a feeling it’s been there a while, because a web kept appearing in the same place for awhile, but I could never find the spider!


  40. Jen says:


    That sounds like an orb weaver, based on your description, but if you can send a picture to and I can get it posted for you. If it is an orb weaver it’s harmless, they do us good by eliminating a large population of bugs like mosquitoes and flies. They aren’t venomous and won’t hurt you.

  41. david says:

    Need help on what kind of spider I found in a persimmon tree. It’s as big as a silver dollar. Looks like a big biscuit on top.

  42. Marcia says:

    Hi I live in Scotland, Ontario, Canada.

    I saw this spider in my house this morning and I’ve never seen anything like it before. The picture quality is not very good as it ‘scared the living bejeesers outta me!’

    The legs are red and there is a white round ball in back.


  43. Krista says:

    My cousin lives in Maryland and found this spider in her house!! I’ve tried searching it but can’t find a thing. Any ideas?
    Thanks :)

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