Necrotic Arachnidism Syndrome: Life Cycle

This is the life cycle of a necrotic arachnidism syndrome (spider bite). You’ll see it start from a small spider bite, to 1 hour with sever headache, impaired vision and weak to 18 hours producing joint pains (erythema endurated edema) all the way to 6 months later with a cratered scar.

Spider Bite Cycle

The spider bite cycle above is courtesy Oregon State Government.

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  1. Travel yoga mat says:

    eat raw vegetables, practice yoga and meditation… oh yes and don’t forget to have a medical checkup every year!

  2. lindsey says:

    i’ve been bitten by something, at first i paid no mind to it i thought it was a mosquito bite, it itched. Then the fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, came. I feel better now. The bite area is red about the size of my fist, with a bruise like area in the center in the middle of that you can see the actual bite mark. it’s not draining or anything, i’ve had it about a week i’m just wondering how long do these things run there course? I’m putting over the counter creams on it any recommendations on what is best?

  3. Large Canvas Wall Art says:

    Finally a worth read on this topic! Will look for more good stuff from you! Thanks!

  4. april says:

    umm my daughter is 1 year old and she has this weird bit on the leg there’s no incions that i can see she has one pus bubble and wont even let me touch that’s how i know its not a mosquito bit because she would of itched it it was smaller this morning and as i watch her its gotten bigger she has a bruise around the pus and its swollen around that area but it keep getting bigger if some one can please help me shes only one and i called the doctor but they haven’t called back yet??

  5. Nancy Wagoner says:

    Can a spider bite increase depression? I have been crying for 5 days for no apparent reason and 10 min. ago found a bite on my rear end that I hadn’t noticed before. It looks to be about 10 to 15 days old according to pics.

  6. Marie says:


    I was bitten by a Hobo Recently During A move,I Live in Oregon and can tell you the experience was not a pleasant one. I woke up to a burning sensation on my right index finger.There I noticed two fang marks with a sac blister between them full of what I describe as a greyish blue ooze that broke open.upon my cleaning of the area. It has now been four days since the bite. On first day Severe headache and nausua with fatigue, Headache untoucable even with heavy duty pain medication.and ecah day after non-pleasant vision disturbed,severe nausua and weakness. Went to Urgent care first night,for treatment,my advice to all fog with insecticide before moving things from storage, and each fall fog your homes.This will kill egg sacs also.Keep yourselves protected an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.Believe me this is an experience you don’t want to have.Day Four still feeling Ill.Will take up to two weeks to totally heal up.

  7. Sidnie says:

    Bite on Sunday morning, doctor put me on antibiotics on Wednesday. About 5″ by 3″ dark red and purple bite has healer over

  8. jessi james says:

    Debbie,You sent a comment about a spider bite that turned black and was oozing. Well my cousin and I think it might be a Fiddle Back spider bite.

  9. Jim says:

    I just returned form seven days in Hawaii.

    On both of my lower legs are small red/purple spots (3 on each leg) – one of the spots appears to have 3 fangs – 1 on the left and 2 on the right.

    SHould I be concenered? There is no pain at this time – feel rather dry


  10. kendra says:

    i believe i got bitten Friday but I also got sick with the flu that Wednesday before I had three bumps one is seems like its gone one feels like its really hard and have pus cumming out and the other i could feel had something like a blister on it. Now these are on my left butt cheek just about where the other cheek meets so I can not see it but I can feel it and it is pain ful I am going to try to get a doctors appointment tomorrow but I have been appling anitboitic ointment on it. sorry I cant get a picture should I panic I do have lots of spider web in my basement where I do my laundry at. No matter how much I get rid of them they keep coming back

  11. Tim says:

    I was bit by a spider i am not sure what kind but the bite stung real bad. My shoulder starting hurting about 15 minutes later it has been 4 hours and my shoulder is still hurting. I am a heart patient does that matter? I don’t have a way to photograph the bite and am worried about Necrotic Arachnidism Syndrome.

  12. conor says:

    i got bit by something, not really sure what. but it is a raised bump the size of a dime, maybe a little bigger, and has several red streaks running from it. it is very sore to the touch. i was bitten on the forearm by the way.

  13. ORM ALDRED says:

    5 years ago the middle knuckle on my right hand was bitten in the middle of the night by a spider which came down from a ceiling fan. the hand was in pain almost immediately and is still still feels like a red hot poker is embedded in it 5 years later and the middle finger is numb is tingling tingling as well as the adjacent fingers. My hand doctor does not believe me -operated for carpal tunnel and it still kills me.

  14. Jessie-Leigh says:

    On Sunday November 24th i had gotten bittien by something., but i have no idea what it could possible beenb. My arm swelled up to the size of a golf ball and burned and made my whole arm go numb and really hot. My face went really pale and then all of a sudden gotten really hot. if anyone can help me of what this could possible be i ewould greatly appreciate it thank you..!!!

  15. somali boy says:

    I started to notice a small scar like a dot around my armpit and had white liquid is coming out of it, do I have the Syndrome?

  16. john conley says:

    I woke up yesterday and my thumbs were numb and stinging They are swollen and it is very painful!. My wife thinks I over react, but I feel sharp stinging pains now and she says to get over it. She won’t take me to the doctors and I am concerned that I may die. There is one big bubble with 6 or so littler black circle pimple like dots. All are so sore, please help. Is there anything I can do to help myself with home products?

  17. dylan says:

    This is sort of inappropriate but I don’t really know what to do.

    This morning I noticed a small lump near my genitals, I am positive it’s not an STI/STD because I haven’t been sexually active yet. I do sleep nude which may have resulted in a spider biting me during the night but Now around 12 hours later it has gotten about double the size and has a small white lump at the top that have a sortof white-pus appearence.

    It isn’t physically or mentally draining me but I don’t feel like my self and it does hurt, what do I do, I am worried about Necrotic Arachnidism Syndrome.

  18. Patty from Indiana says:

    I noticed a small bump on my neck 3 inches below my ear. I thought maybe it was a small growth or something. 24 hours later it began to itch and got red and swelled a bit. It is the size of a dime 48 hours later. It is fairly firm. I do not know what bit me, but I am not feeling well at all. My back, legs, joints, abdomin ache and I have absolutely no energy which is not like me at all. I just want to sleep. I feel flu-ish but different. I get these stinging pains in all sorts of different places and then they quickly go away. I do a lot of homepathics-can you suggest something along those lines for help that will dissipate the poison sooner?

  19. Rene G says:

    i noticed a red itchy spot on my neck and its getting bigger everyday. the spot is now big and swollen and it had gooey stuff coming out of it. its also hard, so i don’t know what spider bit me or if i even got bit by one but please tell what to do or what it is.

  20. Brandyn says:

    I found a bite on my leg a couple days ago and it has been painful since the day I found it. It has been three days and it has been changing daily. The first day it had fluid coming out of it. The area was very red and there was a pink puffy ring around it that was about the size of the palm of my hand. It now looks like a red check mark on my lower leg where the bite is. The pink ring has diminished and the red checkmark is somewhat hard by the touch and still hurts.

    Any help/advice would be appreciated!

  21. Shanda says:

    Hello, My daughter who is 22 mos. was bitten by what looks very much like a spider bite. I stumbled on this web site looking for answers so I can not post any pics. as of yet. My concern is if I should wait it out, or take her to the DR. It has already been 3 days and looks like its getting worse. More red and harder around the bite. I’m not sure if the DR. can really do anything for her? She doesn’t really complain only when I touch it?

  22. Bri says:

    I got bit by a spider 2 days ago. I was cleaning and felt a burning on my pinky finger when I looked down and noticed a baby spider.

    My finger is itchy and swollen and has a red hard bump. Are baby spiders just as poisnous as adults and should I go see a doctor?


  23. angela (greg) says:

    hello again to all
    my mother just phoned me and said to put hot water in a bowl with some empson salts in it about a table spoon or so in it. take a face cloth and put it in to the water and and then put the face cloth on your spidre bit it well help bring out the junk in side it, and help heal it up do it as much as you can threw out the day….even having a warm bath with half a cup to a full cup of empson salts well help!!!
    try and see what happens…hope it works for you all….it worked for a friend!! they didn’t even go to the doctor’s …..but you should go if you can!!!
    all the best to you!!! let me know if it works for you???

  24. angela (greg) says:

    Hi my boyfriend got a spider bit about 2 months ago just above his eye. He could not see out of his one eye for a week and then after we dealt with that, and month later he got another bite this time it was on the back of his leg. He couldn’t walk for up to a week. After 2 1/2 weeks went by and then he got bitten again for the third time, this time he got bitten on the back of both his legs they just started to get real bad and I wonder about necrotic arachnidism syndrome?

    We have 3 kids and my self that all so sleep in this house why is it his getting all this bites and were not? I sleep right next to him every night he has gotten these bites and i still yet to see one on my self or our children, why is that? Does any one know?

    How do we treat these and do you have to have some one come in and deal with these by spraying our house or can we do it our selfs?

    please any one that can help would be great, thank you!

    Thank you again.

  25. Pam from Ohio says:

    I was biten by a spider on July 3rd. About a week later it began to swell and turn red, about 4 inches across. I went to the Dr. and he prescirbed Keflex, finished that, tried another round of keflex and also Bactrim DS, still no change. Since then I have been on prednesone (which helped reduce the redness), removed from that all the redness came back, went to a Dermotologist, he said it was a black spider and gave me a steroid “tape” that I put on for 12 hrs and remove it.

    When it first started to get red, my whole right leg was aching like a toothache constantly. My bite area was red, almost purple, about 4 inches acrossed. My ankle swelled up. The bite is about 4-5 inches above my ankle in the front. Nothing I have tried has helped. The only thing that is better, is in the middle of the area, there was a scab, that was all dried and black.

    The 2nd time I went to the Dr. he pulled the scab off, no fluid whatsoever. He sent the scab and tried to get some fluid on a swab to send in, but couldn’t. The scab was very deep. Since then, I have had 2 more scabs and I pulled them off. Now it is completely smooth, but just red/purple, my ankle still swollen. Hurts sometimes, feels like to the bone!

    Any suggestions, would greatly be appreciated.

  26. Danielle wilson says:

    I live in florida and when I was at school yesterday the back of my theigh began to itch realy bad. About four or five hours later I noticed that it had started to form into a bump and around it was really hard, there is no pus or anything (so far) it’s kinda like a spider bite but just way bigger. When I woke up this morning the bump was even bigger and even harder. It hurts really bad no matter if I am sitting walking or just standing. I am not sure what it is so if any one does or might have some future symptoms for me to watch out for please let me know. Thanks

  27. Linda says:

    Dear Everyone and Christine (#7)’
    My name is Linda and I was also bitten on the neck this past Saturday night in Providence, RI. I now think this was a spider bite am I worried about necrotic arachnidism syndrome. I didn’t feel the bite but started getting severe cold/fluish symptoms at an outdoor festival near the river. Within one hour I had trouble swallowing and the next couple of days in and out with sweats and chills. The red bite-mark was visible the next morning.

    It has not gone away and has progressed to almost all the symptoms I’ve read on this site: red boil-like mark (very small and painful), larger red area getting bigger every day, red streaky projections coming off the red area encircling my entire neck, the entire red area of skin feeling very dry, leathery, and itchy, extreme sore throat behind bite area. I hoped all this would go away but after three days it didn’t and I realized this was serious. I don’t know…now what damage has occured by waiting to see an MD.

    I went on Wednesday (4 days after bite) and MD put me on a very strong course of Antibiotics. But……….the area still hurts and feels dry (more so). My throat is better (MD did not see infection) but lungs now feel watery and right side of entire face feels stiff. Immediate bite area looks black and I am wondering if, in spite of antibiotics, there will be necrosis in this area (I hope not). Reading this article and your comments, I am freaked out. Sounds like this is not a simple easy thing at all. I did not realize how serious a spider bite could be. Linda

  28. Robin Coates says:

    Two days ago I noticed a small cut iI thougth on my left arm. I can now see what looks like two little fang marks. I have had a headache and chills for the last 12 hours, I have what looks like hives running down my are they seem to be tender and itch, there has been drainage. I am not sure what kind of bite this is or even what it is?

  29. Kara says:

    I noticed last night that my knee was really tender. I can walk on it just fine without it hurting, but if anything comes in contact with it, it hurts very badly. This morning I noticed a small red area just below my knee cap, kind of towards the inner part of my knee. The spot was only about the size of a dime.

    This evening, the red spot is now a long red bump, it is warm to the touch, that is going up the inside of my knee and the tenderness has creeped up the inside of my thigh about half way up. Should I contact my doctor or am I just being paranoid about necrotic arachnidism syndrome?

    Please help.

  30. lauren says:

    there are two little fang marks on the top of my foot and a red/purple circle around it i have no idea on what type of bug the bite would be from except for a spider and it itches im pretty worried should i go to the doctor?

  31. Joan of Indiana says:

    Number 11 – Nannette –
    What you are describing could be bed bugs. Have you checked your bedding, your mattress, your bedsprings, and even the headboard or footboard. They lay eggs and when the eggs hatch, you can get several bites at once.

    You mentioned that spraying had stopped it for a little while. That could be because the live bugs were killed…but the eggs were not, so then later they hatched. Check for bedbugs. I do not know how to get rid of them though…I saw on a show like 20/20 that bedbugs have been found in even the best hotels …so check for bedbus.

  32. Julie says:

    Try a Tea Bag for necrotic arachnidism syndrome, I’m a believer. I grabbed the closest cold compress I could find to cool the burning bite. It was a used black tea bag. It helped a lot. We still had to treat the wound with antibiotic cream & antifungal cream, cleanse away the skin decay and bandage it carefully to not tear the surrounding area.

    It took about 10 weeks to finally close up and not be so painful. We think the bite was from a toilet seat; others have reported that’s a sneaky place for spiders to hide. It was terrible.

  33. mae says:

    I am from Hawaii and pretty much know how a mosquito bite is, exactly one month ago, I woke up with this bite on my forehead and could see two bite marks of what look like a spider bite.

    The bite didn’t hurt so I just tried to treat it like a regular insect bite it started going away but now it started up again in a barely higher area then the first and it’s actually starting to bump out like a bad pimple.

    It is very hard and small, I’ve grown up with acne and large ones mostly but this doesn’t look familiar, could u comment on this?

  34. nannette says:

    i have been bitten 13 times by something I was recently told that it may have been a spider. All of the bites happen while I am sleeping because I always wake up with them bothering me. My first bite happen to be on my left buttuck and it became the size of the whole area.

    I have been in and out of the doctors with these and they can’t imagen what it possiable could be. I have been checked twice for this staph infection and that has been ruled out. The reason I am writting is so far only I and my boyfriend have been biten, we have three childeren that (thank god ) have not.

    We sprayed the house and the bitting stopped for a little while now it has started again and this time I had to take my boyfriend to the hospital because after several days of having the bite his whole lower leg swelled up, that trip was not fun.

    What else should I do. I can’t deal with another one of these bites they hurt so badly sometimes the wieght of them way me down. I do have pictures of these wounds.

  35. Dewan says:

    I was bitten in bed and I think it was a spider but I’m not really sure, but it is really sore and swollen and it has a white pump in the middle.

  36. April says:

    About two days ago I recognized this bite that looked like a mosquito bite and it itched, the bite has gotten big its really red and swelled yesterday it had a white dot in the middle of it, now its a red dot and sometimes it feels tingly and numb, i’m worried, should I go to the doctor?

  37. email says:

    Hi Christine,

    Send any pictures you have to the email address located at the bottom of my site (

    Thanks for sharing!

    Best regards,


  38. Christine Gegenheimer says:

    I can send you pics of my spider bite. It was pretty nasty, on my neck. It has been 7 days now since I was bitten. I tried to copy and paste and it wouldn’t let me. Please let me know if this would help with your study.

  39. paula says:

    My son who is 10 years old was bitten about 7 days ago, by a spider maybe i dont think its anything but a spider bite, but i am not sure. It looks like a large mosquito bite and its about the size of a quarter and its hard all the way around.

    He says it hurts, but its hard to tell because his speech is not clear; he has cerebral palsy, so he spends alot of time on the floor, whereby he’d most likely come in contact with spiders.

    Should i take him to be seen?

  40. Alicia says:

    I got bit by a spider i believe.. I’m not really sure.. but the wound is kinda a blackish green color.. n its been have white ooze come out of it.. n its exteremly sore if i bump it on anything.. any thoughts to what kind of spider or thing it is??

  41. Cortney says:

    Hello recently i noticed that i got bit and it itches a lot i have to incisions from spider bite and it is still swollen,whatever it is i got it has spread to my hand leaving big bumps that also itch as well i have no idea what this is or what to do cause i have a headache and always feel nausea since i got bit and my vision is not so great,i need to know what to do and what kind of bite i have.

  42. M.E. DePalma says:

    Two days ago I got bitten by a spider. I put my sweater on after a workout and then did some work in my Florida garden. I noticed a lump in the shower and could see the fang marks so I got some cortisone cream and have been applying it to the wound. It bit me in the left arm pit. Can you tell by the bite what kind of spider it was? I took a photo of the spider bite at day two:

    Spider Bite Photo

    It is larger and is hurting.

    Any suggestions? Do you think I need to go to a doctor or will it respond to the cortisone?

  43. Debbie says:

    Two days ago I noticed a red spot now it is black spot. And it also is oozing and kind of stings or burning feeling. A friend says it is a tick in bedded. Any thoughts?

  44. aswathy says:

    Your article on Necrotic Arachnidism Syndrome is very useful and I have included it in my studies.


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